How to make a POS system

Go With Form allows you to config a complex POS System. You can follow the steps as below to complete a configuration of a POS system for any POS machine set.

Step 1:

You need to create a form to assign all the possible project users to an access permission table. so that, those users can login to the system and submit and manage the POS System.

You can give any form name to this access permission table. Let's call this form 'POS User Management', In this form we need three mandatory controls, They are 'Project Users List', 'Password', 'Access Role'. These three controls will be associated with the Product List control for POS access. Along with this two controls. you are ok to add any extra information to manage your user. such as 'DatePicker' for the created date, 'Inputbox' for the user's living address, 'Email' for the user's email and so on.

Please remember, when you set up the password. pleae keep all the password be only number. so that the POS system can pick it up and allow user to enter in a NumberPad. Otherwise, there is no way for the user to input the characters.

Moreover, when we prepare the Access Role field. please use List control and pre-set two roles admin and employee so that Product List will automatically based on the permission and handle the submission. if the roles value is not admin or employee, all the user will be treated as employee, they only can submit the form but can not delete the wrong records.


  1. when create this form, please enable the Only allow form creator to submit to avoid non authorized user modify your information
  2. also remember to uncheck the Publish the form to user dashboard so that no project user view the form in their dashboard as well.
Step 2:

You need to create your product list item form. so that all the items can be used for your Product List Control to pick up and present to the POS system. The product list item form requires, item title (Inputbox or List), item description (Inputbox or List), item category name (Inputbox or List), item unit (Inputbox or List Control with text value), item tax (Numberbox or List control with numberic value.), item price (Numberbox Control) and item thumbnail (ImageUploader Control). with those field be populated. then we can bind this form to the Product List

Note: Moreover, when create this form, please enable the Only allow form creator to submit to avoid non authorized user modify your information

Step 3:

Once we have the permission access form and product item list form. Then, we can create our POS Transaction Form for transaction submission.