Advanced Settings

Form Record Unique ID#

Each submission has an unique form record ID associated with it. We have made it flexible for you to customize your own unique form record ID pattern. You can treat this unique ID as an identification for different purpose such as membership IDs, registration IDs, etc.

There are three ways to generate the unique ID for each form record submitted. They are UUID, Incremental Numbering, and Custom Rule.

Options for Form Record ID


This option will randomly generate a 32 characters of UUID as the form record ID.


Incremental Numbering#

This option will use auto increment numbering starting from 1 for any form records submitted.

Custom Rule#

There is the flexibility to combine UUID and Incremental Numbering as the unique ID of each form record.

You can code your own rule with the defined syntax {UUID} and {AutoInt}.

Example 1: VIP-{UUID} will be translated to
Example 2: VIP-{AutoInt} will be translated to

Submission and Confirmation#

You can customize the submit button and the post-submit actions.

Submission Confirmation

  • Show submit button when page is loaded - you can either show or hide the submit button when the form renders
  • Submit button position - adjust the position of the submit button
  • Submit button text - the text to be displayed on the submit button
  • Submit processing text - the text to be displayed on the submit button after user clicked and waiting for response from server
  • After submission confirm button - the text to be displayed on the confirm button after response has been received
  • Confirm button redirect url (optional) - the url to be redirected after the confirm button is clicked
  • Confirmation content - the text to be displayed after a form record has been submitted successfully. Codable values supported
  • After submit view result button - the text to be displayed on the view result button after submission. NOTE: this is dependent on enabling the option Show record list after submission. See section Record List for more info.

Record List config enabled

Enable record list

Record List config disabled

Disabled record list

Email Notification Rules#

Email notification rules

  • Send email if a new record is created - send out a confirmation email to the person who submitted the form. NOTE: an Email Box control need to be present in the form.
  • Show QR Code in receiver's email - generate a QR code based on the submitted unique form record ID and attach in the email. This QR code can be scanned by Go With Form's QRCode Check-in module or other QR code scanners.
QR Code

This QR Code represents the unique form record ID that the user submitted. It is especially useful for referencing and lookup this record when needed.

  • SMTP Server (Optional) - you have the ability to use your own SMTP server to send out emails. If you would like to send out emails using your own email address as the sender then please provide the SMTP server address, username, and password. Otherwise, you can also leave it blank and any outgoing emails will be from [email protected] as the sender.
  • Username (Optional) - username for your own SMTP server
  • Password (Optional) - password for your own SMTP server
  • Email receivers - this is for email CC purpose. Emails specified in this option will also receive a copy of confirmation emails. You can specify a list of emails separated by commas.

Email Notification Content#

Email notification content

  • Email Subject - the subject of the confirmation email to be sent. Codable values supported
Example: Email Subject with codable values
Welcome, Mr. {Inputbox1}
  • Email Content - the content of the confirmation email to be sent. Codable values supported
Example: Email Content with codable values
Dear Mr. {Inputbox1},
Thank you for submitting your responses. We do appreciate your participation.
Please allow us to get back to you in less than 2 business days for your request.
We will give you a call to your phone number {Phonenumberbox3}.
Best Regards,

Record List#

Record list configs

  • Show record list after submission - enable this option to view results after user clicked on submit button.
  • Max number of records in list - number of records to display in the results list
  • Records sort by Element ID - the element ID associated with the control that you would like to sort when displaying the results list
  • Records sort by descending order - the sorting order when displaying the results list
  • Element IDs in the record list - the fields that should be displayed in the results list. Each field, also known as Control, has an unique element ID associated with it in the form. Upon rendering, the field name will be replaced by the Title Label for each of the fields.

For example, let's say we have two Controls in the form with the following configs.

ControlElement IDTitle Label
Input BoxInputbox1Name
Email BoxEmailbox2Email
Example configs with two fields

From the above configs, the following results will be displayed after submission.

Record list results

Codable Values#

The concept of Codable Values is to be able to reference to user inputted values during form submissions. Each Control field has a unique Element ID which can be used in any form config options that supports Codable Values. This is very helpful if you need to solve complicated tasks and business logics while users filling out the forms. This is one of the reason why Go with Form is such a powerful platform for personalized customizations.

Embed Form in Other Website#

GoWithForm offers premium client to embed the form directly in their website, so that to cover the gowithform domain url. In order to embed the form in your own website. First, you need to have a premium subscription.

Then, create a form in the GoWithForm Portal and copy that form url.

After that, in your own website page. include the GoWithForm form url in a <iframe> to use the GoWithForm form in your website. The sample code as below, and you can use notitle and nofooter to control whether to show the header of the form (logo, title, description) or footer (share buttons). and you can use cookiecheck to control and disable the cookie permission usage pop up for the page:

<iframe id="gwf_content" src="<replace to your gowithform form id>&notitle=true&nofooter=true&cookiecheck=false" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" style="width:100%;height:600px">

Since your website may support desktop and mobile. And sometimes, the GoWithForm form will automatically generate the list or will dynamically adjust the form element (1 row 2 cols become to 2 rows 1 columns). so in this case, if you want to dynamically adjust the iframe size when the user access your page in different platform.

you can use the below script code to control the height of the form.

window.onresize = function(event){
if(document.documentElement.clientWidth <= 768){
else if(document.documentElement.clientWidth <=992){